For more resources about the Meteorology Department at Central Michigan University, visit the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences links below.
Specific Links:
- Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at CMU
- Meteorology Program Description
- Letter of Recommendation Form
- Academic Bulletin
- Faculty Page
Dr. Marty Baxter
Professional Interests:
Precipitation Systems, Synoptic Meteorology and Climatology, Numerical Weather Prediction, Weather Forecasting, Forecast Verification
Teaching Areas:
MET 260: Introduction to Atmospheric Science
MET 265: Professional Development in the Atmospheric Sciences
MET 315: Computer Applications in Meteorology
MET 340 & 345: Synoptic Meteorology I & II
MET 355: Weather Forecasting Practicum
MET 470: Advanced Weather Forecasting
Dr. Daria Kluver
Research Interests:
Seasonal Prediction
Influence of Large-Scale Atmospheric Phenomena on Regional Climate
Spatial Data Analysis
Dr. Jason Keeler
Research Interests:
Mesoscale and Boundary Layer Meteorology
Fieldwork using Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Mobile Mesonets
Teaching Areas:
MET 330: Dynamic Meteorology I
Dr. John Allen
Research Interests:
Tornadoes, Hail, Climatology, Cyclogenesis, Climate Variability and Change, Crowdsourcing of Meteorological Datasets, Field Observations of Severe Thunderstorms
Severe thunderstorms have shaped the development of communities worldwide, and how these events respond to climatic variations remains an open question. The primary goal of my research program is to understand how severe thunderstorms respond to climate variability and, in doing so, improve quantification of potential risk to life, property and agriculture from the present and future climate perspective. However, to achieve this goal, there are several directions. One of these focuses is expanding and exploring our understanding of the climatology of severe thunderstorms both in the United States and globally, finding new ways to leverage developing or existing technology and observations to contribute to our outstanding. Other areas of interest include the physical mechanisms of how climate change and variability can impact extreme events, including severe thunderstorm frequency or intensity, deriving forecasting insight and guidance from lessons learned using climatology, and applications of our understanding of severe thunderstorms to their impacts on agriculture and the built environment.
Teaching Areas:
MET 140: Severe & Unusual Weather
MET 450: Mesoscale Meteorology
MET 480: Atmospheric Modeling